My son Mylo is just over two months old and I am happy to say that life has gotten much easier. We haven’t had to swaddle him in weeks, he sleeps much better at night (though not through the night, yet) and he is an absolute joy to be around. He smiles and laughs and coos all the time and is simply a very present baby.
For me the “in love” feeling wasn’t immediate. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a great deal of love that comes with birthing such a helpless creature but what I felt more was a sense of obligation and responsibility. Luckily though, with each day that passed I fell more and more for him. And by now I think it is safe to say that I am head over heels, wildly in love with my son.
Today we will be at Brazen Head on Atlantic Avenue enjoying some spirits & spit up! I’m meeting other moms and their infants from the neighborhood for happy hour. The owner is thrilled to have us – seriously, who else is drinking beers at 2:30 in the afternoon?!!