For 1st grade you had a teacher named Ms. Melissa. I don’t have a very high opinion of the quality of your education last year. Then a global pandemic that inspired overnight homeschooling, brought a lot to light. But I digress.
By the fall it was clear you were struggling with reading. Thanks to a family friend we were connected to a grade school teacher who is also a literacy specialist and she became your tutor. Your shyness coupled with your disinterest in reading did not always make for the smoothest of sessions, but I will jump ahead and say that the six or so months that you worked with Maddy completely paid off.
Below is an example of a Friday spelling test pre-Maddy versus a Friday spelling test when working with Maddy on a weekly basis.
For Halloween you were a black kitty cat and I also joined you in the feline category. Not entirely sure what I was, maybe a female Fred Flinstone? I found the outfit in a secondhand store mere hours before we set out trick or treating. And that we did!
We stormed the neighborhood in search of candy and chaos with your brother, his bestie Max (they were a pair of killer clowns,) Max’s dad Mike and then daddy met us later on that night after work.
The day before Halloween daddy and I came to terms with the fact that it was time to let Ella go and so we made an appointment for the vet to come to our home on November 1st. It was not an easy decision, especially because there was not one obvious thing harming her, but Ella’s quality of life had dwindled exponentially since summer and it was clear she was suffering.
I’m not entirely positive what went through your brain when it all went down — daddy, Mylo and I balled our eyes out — and you played it cool. You were observant and concerned but not overly upset like we were. And then you made a comment about how you had never seen adults cry before. I was probably about your age the first time I heard my dad cry.
We hosted our annual Christmas Eve party and Santa, (aka Ashley our neighbor,) came over and handed out gifts to all the children. You were extremely excited about your slime kit!
A couple of days after we went out to Northport to spend the Xmas break with your cousins who were in town from Singapore. You guys played and created and role played every single day. We saw movies and went out to dinners and made our annual trip to “the mall.” And you indulged heavily in your most favorite past time – you made a ton of slime with Diya and Ganga!
Shy as you were in pre-K you made a fast friend in a little boy named Liam. Not really sure what it was exactly, but the two of you just connected. By February though, he moved with his family to upstate New York where they bought a bed and breakfast. We always said we would go visit them and after two years, we finally did.
Their place, Vanderbilt Lakeside, is just beautiful. The grounds, the rooms, the restaurant, all of it. Despite one brief reunion when you and Liam were in Kindergarten, you haven’t seen one another and you have understandably grown. While you did play and connect, Liam was more interested in your brother and you took delight in his adorable little sister Ruby.
We went hiking, pet some animals at a nearby farm and you played at Liam and Ruby’s house with a babysitter as daddy and I enjoyed a dinner in their parents’ private restaurant.
After the holidays there was buzz about a virus that popped up in China. We didn’t know much. And nothing much was really being said about it either. But by March it was in New York City and things got weird, fast. Socially distant, six feet apart and face masks would become our new normal. In the middle of March schools shut down overnight and our lives changed forever.
An entire blog post can be written about the early days, weeks and months of the Corona virus pandemic and the lockdown that ensued, but I will do my best to sum up what it was like for us here. It was strange and hard, especially the homeschooling part. Schools closed with little to no warning, as did all extra curricular activities. Your dance class went from being performed in a studio to being performed solo on an iPad in our living room.
You loved homeschool but mostly I think you just loved being home. As for how homeschool went for your first grade class, it was an absolute joke. It seemed your teacher had checked out — perhaps even before Covid hit! Your daily Zoom meetings were not only not educational but they were unproductive, too. So I opted you out of them. We would answer the “question of the day” which counted as attendance, and kept up with the daily slides. But it became painfully apparent to us how much you didn’t know. How much you lacked. And I can’t help but think you got overlooked in school. You are not a “know it all” and yet you don’t make any trouble, either. It’s clear that you are the type of student who could easily slip through the cracks, and did at ps261.
On top of being locked down and homeschool being a nightmare, in June there was the death of George Floyd and all the protests, vandalism, curfews and racial tensions that followed.
But there were lots of beautiful moments, too. A few days into school being shutdown you recalled the snails and sea monkeys in your classroom. You pleaded with daddy to take you to the school to get them out. He then had to negotiate with security to be let into the building, and the next thing you know, we were the proud owners of a couple of dozen mollusks!
We shared countless lunches and dinners on our deck as spring began to unfold. When it is cold on the street it is perfectly warm on our deck, thanks to direct, blazing sunlight. We watched so many movies including all the DC and Marvel ones, and many TV shows such as “Anne with an E” and “Raven’s Home.” We drove places that normally would take 1-2 hours to get to, in just half the time because no one was on the road. We learned how to Zoom and we FaceTimed frequently with the GP’s.
You and your brother discovered our fire escape and you guys would hang out on it and take in the protests and all the happenings on the streets.
We did the 7pm cheer almost every single night to celebrate and give thanks to all the essential workers. And because we had our apartment building to ourselves, we would hang out on our neighbor’s roof where we watched the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds roar through the sky at lightning-fast speeds.
And most notably, during the pandemic, we adopted a new dog… Stormy.
We had been fostering dogs pretty consistently since the new year. There was May, Lyla, Roxie and then Stormy. All got great homes and the last one, Stormy, got ours. She came to us from the Manhattan shelter of NYCACC after I saw a volunteer post her photo. As her story goes, her person, a young man who fell on hard times, could no longer care for her and relinquished her to the shelter. After filling out the necessary paperwork, he went to see her in her cage and spoke softly to her as she whimpered and cried back. According to the volunteer, it was heartbreaking. I told my rescue partner Michele to pull her and bring her to us.
Stormy came to us on March 29th, when we were in the throes of the pandemic. She arrived tired, scared and with open sores all over her body. She had allergies and suffered from dermatitis and a double ear infection. Stormy slept like a log that first day. We played around with different names, but in the end, we decided to keep the one thing Stormy could have from her past. Her name.
On June 26th school ended and we celebrated with a day at the ocean with friends. Immediately after we kicked off a summer that was so drastically different than any other because no camps were in sessions. We divided almost all our time between the beaches in Northport and the lake in Connecticut with friends and grandparents.
The most notable thing that happened over the summer is that you learned to swim! It was inevitable given the amount of time we spent at the beach and lake and I couldn’t be more proud, (and relieved!)
We pulled the trigger on our annual Cape trip the first day of the lockdown in NYC and thank heavens we did! After a long stretch of being homebound and not having the social life we are accustomed to, a vacation in a familiar place was just what we needed! Similar to previous years, we took the trip with three other families, all of whom have boys.
It was so important to me that you not be the only girl this time so we invited your best friend to come with us. Sevilla is the middle child of five. Her parents are lovely but have their hands full and were always game to give us as much access to their daughter as we liked, so we knew it could work. And credit goes to them for making it work! Sevilla’s family was in the throes of moving from Brooklyn to Minnesota the entire month of August. They moved a day after we returned from the Cape.
Having Sevilla on our family vacay was perfect. After the first two nights of battling homesickness, it was pretty much smooth sailing. You had a blast with Sevilla and we truly enjoyed having her as our own. Sevilla is quite mature for her age and has already flown alone so let’s hope that barring Covid, her parents will send her back to NY each summer and you can return to the Cape together!
Class assignments at ps261 came out late this year and the first day of school was actually after your birthday, which is quite unusual. But then again Covid has made EVERYTHING unusual! Your teacher is Miriam Figueroa but with schools going back at just 30% we knew we needed to supplement on the days you were to supposed to be doing remote learning. If we didn’t, we risked you being behind yet another year. That’s when we learned about pod schools. At the last minute we enrolled in an independent school in Carroll Gardens that was formerly a children’s play space. It was called BrookLearn.
Birthdays aren’t much fun during Covid, but we did the best we could. We kept you home from your pod school and you celebrated with donuts later that day in the park along with a few friends and a babysitter. For dinner we got takeout from your favorite restaurant, Kyoto Sushi. You ordered your favorite: udon stir fry noodles with broccoli and pineapple chunks for dessert.
Your favorite thing to eat is fruit and your favorite thing to play with is baby dolls. You’re incredibly savvy with dogs, you love to cuddle up and zone out on your iPad and you still adore your brother, despite the fact that he is not always the kindest to you. But we are working on that! Oh and you STILL bite your straws, which is annoying because you always drink from my glass and it means you are therefore biting MY straws! Doesn’t matter. I love you always my Schmorgie. Happy Birthday!